Walther pp serial numbers age
Walther pp serial numbers age

Pearson) and requires careful consideration and pondering to really get what is happening. It is an interesting and informative and somewhat complicated article (based on forty years of collecting data by Mr. In the course of those conversations and exchanges many items related to Walther PP and PPK Wartime (WWII era) production procedures and expediencies arose so John decided to produce an article for the vintage collecting community, especially those interested in wartime Walther PP and PPK production relative to serial number sequencing and production priorities as it relates to these pistols. With his help (he is the author of the groundbreaking series of articles in “Auto Mag” regarding Walther RSHA SS PP and PPK pistols) I am trying to refine and define the various variations of these interesting pistols and their respective variation characteristics. Pearson regarding Walther RSHA SS PP and PPK pistols. In the course of the last number of months I have been visiting and corresponding with Mr. He no longer is a member of NAPCA and is not on the internet so I told him I would be happy to post this great information for him. I am posting this information for John Pearson (longtime Walther and vintage WW II era pistol collector). My dear vintage pistol collector friends,

Walther pp serial numbers age